Same Day Exams

Same Day Exams

Same-day exams (or walk-in exams) are not available at a lot of eye care centers. At Eyexam of California, we offer same-day exams by either dropping by or checking availability online at our website. The difference between our same-day visits from the retail chains is the personalized service you will receive here.

Same-day visits are convenient for routine eye exams for patients who do not work a set schedule or for patients dealing with health issues that can cause difficulty getting around some days. If you are having a good day and feel like getting your annual exam taken care of, a same-day appointment may work for you.

Eye injuries do not schedule themselves during a time in the future. If you have eye pain or other problem, a same-day office visit can help relieve pain and begin healing. Some eye conditions require immediate treatment. We can help you.

Did your glasses break? It has been a year since your last exam, and you need to order glasses immediately. A same-day visit is your best option.